Thursday, September 11, 2008

I've been MIA

I have been missing from the blog for several days. My husband is away for 5 weeks to Guam. The kids have soccer, school and work, and I have work and just life in general. The themes are getting harder to come across, but I plan to finish what I started. I do hope to work on some themes this weekend. Sorry, for not visiting your blogs either, I will as soon as I can. Thanks...


Anonymous said...

Miss you, Deb! Look forward to having you back when your hubby is returns...

Linda aka Elemobe said...

Hi Debs, good to hear from you. Yes, I know that one - sometimes life just gets in the way of our virtual world doesn't it ;-)

Look forward to seeing you back when you have the time.

Dogeared said...

Busy on my end too - why can't we have more hours in the day? We'll get there, anyway - I'm sure!